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Choosing a wellness session is an act of self love, which is where all true healing begins...

Co-Creatin Coaching

Co-Creative Coaching
Dreamweaver Wellness

Dreamweaver Wellness is a space to dream, grow and evolve. It’s a place to transmute pain into love and transform old patterns that no longer serve you into your wildest, most authentic expression of your free, sovereign self! By weaving modalities addressing the Mind - Body - Spirit, and with the fundamental precept of the co-created coaching container
we work within, being the respect for and enhancement of each person’s capacity for self knowledge and self care. Information is not the same as transformation. You can access endless amounts of information at your fingertips through the internet. Dreamweaver Wellness aspires to walk with you through the fire of your own transformation process, as someone who has walked through her own, and continues on the path of her own evolution. Lacy is a partner, a coach, an unwavering friend, who serves as catalyst and a guide in your own unique process.

Co-Creation Coaching

Supports health conscious, growth oriented individuals in implementing sustainable shifts
based on their values, priorities and dreams. Available as one-on-one coaching sessions or
packages, and is for humans desiring improved health, and positive behavior change.

Clients report feelings of empowerment, authenticity, nourishment, increased self love/self
1:1 Co-Creation Coaching Session (1 hour virtual or in person)
$111 per session OR $1111 for a 6 month package (12 calls total)


"I decided to invest in my well-being, because I was lonely and lost. On the heals of the pandemic and a devastating miscarriage, I followed a series of perfectly timed signs and connections that led me to Lacy and this experience, an experience that was more impactful than I could have ever anticipated and one that I will hold close to my heart always. Lacy was open and willing to speak with me as much as I needed in order to commit to this community. I felt blind, much of the language/terminology was unfamiliar and I was only in the very early stages of self awareness and doing  "the work" to live a more peaceful life. Lacy and the other women were the kind of people you pray to enter your life, so kind, open, and they make you feel safe, it is just easy to be around them. As the modules went on, and weeks turned into months, I noticed my ability to self regulate evolve. I was learning more about my truest desires and what makes me, me. I saw myself turning
inward to address emotions, instead of looking for validation from others. I felt less defensive, more aware, and more authentic. I cherish the friendships I found in the women around me during this experience and I would recommend it to anyone that desires learning more about themselves, finding true connection, or just enjoys learning and personal growth. There really aren't adequate words to express the level of gratitude I have for Lacy and her calling to create this program for women like me."

- Meagan H., Hardwick VT

“I’ve needed this coaching program for a long time, and don’t want it to end. You’ve been very helpful to me, knowing that you’re there is everything… what I’ve learned on this journey is that I’m not used to people being there. There’s nobody like you, there’s a
softness and a fierceness about you at the same time. You have very good energy, and maybe it’s your experience that brings you this, to have what you have.”

-Marie H., Conway SC

“ This work resonates with me because it IS me, it IS us, and being able to have these things come to mind throughout the day when I'm having thoughts or experiences, is recognition and proof that they're becoming ingrained, and I expect that to continue. I'm going to be intentional about that continuing and revisiting some of our module material and the journal entries that I've

made and continuing to work on my self growth is the foundation of everything else, because with every ounce of growth that happens along these lines, so many other doors and windows are opening, which may be sometimes more questions to ask or more holes to dig, but I think
it's the process of doing that that's so important. And it's a choice and I am choosing to carry this work forward.”

- Diana F., Williamstown VT

Sacred Circles

Sacred Circles

For centuries people in community have gathered with intention during the cycles of the moon.  Gabrielle Baraby helps facilitate sacred New Moon circles for women and Full Moon Circles for both men and women to gather, hold space, and connect deeper within themselves, with each other, and the earth.  

Please contact directly for more information about current Sacred Circle gatherings.

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